Sex: male
Crime: burglary
Date Of Execution: 15 Apr 1801
Execution Place: Stone Gallows, Taunton
Method: hanging
Robert Deo was convicted of burglary in the dwelling house of John King in the parish of Milverton on 11 October 1800, stealing therefrom a leather trunk and other goods with a total value of £110.15.3d, the property of John Harrison.
His execution, along with others took place at Taunton on the market day instead of the usual Ilchester in order to set a stronger example.
they were escorted to the spot by the sheriff and two troops of Queens Bays, the 15 Light Dragoons and a body of infantry. The Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette reported that the populace showed no signs of commotion and that none of the condemmed made any particular confessions.
see Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette - Thursday 09 April 1801