Sex: male
Crime: Burglary
Date Of Execution: 10 Apr 1801
Execution Place: Monmouth
Method: hanging
Charles Stubbs guilty of a burglary in the dwelling house of Edward Sayer in the parish of Monmouth on 22nd February 1801: stealing therefrom a silver tankard (valued at £10), a silver coffee pot (valued at £5), a silver half pint mug (valued at 30/-), 2 pairs of silver salt holders (valued at 20/-), a glass salt holder (valued at 2d), 4 silver salt spoons (valued at 4/-), a silver mounted bevel (valued at 10/-), 4 silver teaspoons (valued at 4/-), 2 silver caddy spoons (valued at 2/-), the silver handle of a pair of scissors (valued at 2d), a silver scissors base (valued at 6d) a leather pocket book (valued at 5/-) and a leather pocket memorandum book (valued at 6d).