Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 24 Feb 1800
Execution Place: Newgate
Method: hanging
James Hartley murdered George Scott.
They were all soldiers and had been drinking in the Black Lion pub in Bayswater. At around 10pm they decided to leave but George Scott insisted on a parting pot. They were told that it would cost one penny for each pot and James Hartley was heard to say 'he would see him d-------d first'. James Hartley was a private soldier in the third regiment of gaurds.
A witness said there was no need for bad langauge and then George Scott said 'I was the cause of him joining our company, and sooner than have any dispute, i'll pay for him, but i'll just go to the door first.'
Whilst going to the door George Scott had to pass where James Hartley was sat and when he did James Hartley drew his sword and plunged it into the body of George Scott and then with great deliberation drew it out. After James Hartley tried to get away gut was knocked to the floor until a peace oficer arrived.
see Hampshire Chronicle - Monday 24 February 1800