Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 30 Aug 1754
Execution Place: unknown
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
A Traitor, executed August 30, 1754, for enlisting Englishmen to serve the enemy.
For some few years after the suppression of the second Scottish rebellion, a secret trade of treachery was by many disaffected villains carried on, by enlisting men for the service of the King of France.
We have already adduced instances of the detection of this vile species of treason; and though it was well known that death would soon follow conviction: yet still we find men hardy enough to risk the consequences.
Paul Tierney was of this description. He, like Thomas Reynolds had succeeded too well; for he deluded several soldiers from their duty to their country, and secretly conveyed them to France.
At one time, on false pretences, he inveigled eight, by keeping them in a state of intoxication. At Calais he threw off the mask, gave them a livre each, and declared they were then soldiers to the King of France. The poor fellows, now sobered by their voyage, were so indignant at this duplicity and treachery, that with one accord they fell upon him, and in an instant would have beat him to death, if the captain of the French guard had not rescued him.
They were now bound with ropes, carried to Dunkirk, and were thrown into a loathsome dungeon, where they long suffered on bread and water.
One of them had the good fortune to escape, and procuring sailor's clothes, got back to England. At this time Tierney was a prisoner in Maidstone gaol, which circumstance coming to the knowledge of the much injured man, he went thither, and charged him with crime.
On the trial it was proved that Tierney received three pounds each for the recruits, which was paid him in the presence of the prosecutor.
He was convicted, and hanged upon Penenden-heath, near Maidstone.