Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 13 Jul 1715
Execution Place: unknown
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Thomas Harvey , of the Parish of St. James Westminster , was indicted for the Murder of John Jones , by giving him a mortal Wound in the Eye, of the depth of 6 Inches, on the 4th of October last, of which he languish'd till the 5th and then dy'd . He was also indicted for the, same Murder upon the Statute of Stabbing. The Evidence set forth, That the Prisoner and the deceas'd, with some others, being at a Gaming-Table at the Phoenix in the Hay-market , the Prisoner had lost some Money to one Davies, which he refus'd to pay; whereupon some Words arising, it was referr'd to the Company, who gave it against the Prisoner; the deceas'd in particular saying, 'Tis but just that every Gentleman should have his
own. The Prisoner resenting his meddling in it, first struck him with a Cane or Stick that he had in his Hand, and afterwards making a Push at him with the same, thrust it into his Eye; immediately upon which the deceased's Head dropt, and he never spoke again, but continu'd in dismal Convulsions till he dy'd. The Prisoner immediately sled, and was not heard of till lately, when he was taken in the same House where the Mischief was done. In his Defence he said, That the deceas'd was very rough, and pressing upon him, he held out his Cane to keep him off, and did not push at all. The Jury considering the whole, found him Guilty of both Indictments.
Old Bailey Proceedings Online (, version 6.0, 10 October 2011), July 1715, trial of Thomas Harvey (t17150713-42).