Age: unknown
Sex: female
Crime: petty treason
Date Of Execution: 8 Sep 1714
Execution Place: unknown
Method: burnt
Executioner: unknown
Joyce Hodgkis, of the Parish of Stepney , was indicted for the Murder of her Husband, John Hodgkis on the 18th of August last, by giving him a mortal Wound with a Knife on the Left Thigh, near the Groin, or which he instantly dy'd . The first Evidence swore, that she lodging in the House, and hearing a great Noise and Scolding between the Prisoner and the Deceas'd, came down, and looking into the Room, saw the Prisoner run at him with a Knife, and immediately saw Blood run out at his Breeches. Another swore, That she liv'd over the Way, and hearing an Out-Cry, ran over to the House, where she heard the Man groaning, and saw the Blood run violently out of his Breeches, and asking the Prisoner how it came, she told her that cursed Knife had done it (shewing her an old Butcher's carving Knife) and that he would have stab'd her with it; and that the cursed Wretch had been the Ruin of her and himself too. When a Surgeon was sent for, he was dead, and the Surgeon asking her how it came, she said he did it himself. In her Defence, she said, That they had Words about keeping his Mother, and that he took up the Knife threatning to stab her; and she running away to avoid it, when she turn'd back again saw him bleed, and that he did it himself. The Fact was very plain, and she was found Guilty of Petit-Treason .
Old Bailey Proceedings Online (, version 6.0, 10 October 2011), September 1714, trial of Joyce Hodgkis, (t17140908-35).