Age: unknown
Sex: female
Crime: infanticide
Date Of Execution: 6 Sep 1710
Execution Place: unknown
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Mary Forest , of Stepney Spinster , was Indicted for the Murder of her Male Bastard Infant, by strangling it with both Hands, on the 2d of August last of which it instantly died . It appeared that on the Date above said, a Child was found Dead in the Fields near Mile End, and prov'd to be the Prisoners. It further appear'd that the Child was born about 5 that Morning, the Prisoner calling no Person to her Assistance, neither had she made any Provision for the Birth of the Child as the Law requires. The Prisoner in her Defence said the Child was Still born, but no Proof appearing of that, the Jury found her guilty of the Indictment.
Old Bailey Proceedings Online (, version 6.0, 10 October 2011), September 1710, trial of Mary Forest (t17100906-10).