Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: infanticide
Date Of Execution: 13 Oct 1708
Execution Place: unknown
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Aggitha Ashbrook , of London, Widow , was Indicted for the Murder of her Female Bastard Infant, by strangling it with a piece of List on the 25th of September last, of which it instantly died . The Evidence depos'd, that the Prisoner had for some time been sick of the Collick, as she pretended; but on the 15th Instant it was discover'd that she was deliver'd, by her self, of a Female Child, which was found in a Trunk strangled with a piece of Lift braided about its Neck. The Evidence being very plain, and the Prisoner saying little in her Defence, the Jury found her Guilty of Murder.
Old Bailey Proceedings Online (, version 6.0, 10 October 2011), October 1708, trial of Aggitha Ashbrook (t17081013-20).