Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 17 Jul 1690
Execution Place: unknown
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Robert Foster , and Mary Tanner were Indicted for breaking the House of one Carter , on Midsummer Day last in the Morning, and stealing from him two Yards of Tape-Lace, value 3 s. a Lac'd Pinner 5 s. a Looking Glass 12 d. &c. The Evidence said, the House was broke open, and that the Goods were lost, and that the Prosecutor found a piece of the Lace hanging in a Broker's Shop Window; and it was further Evidenced against Foster, that the Linnen and a Silver-salt was found in his Breeches; he would have charged it upon the Woman, and Tanner was found to offer the Goods to Sale at a Brokers; the Woman charged the Man, and the Man the Woman; but in the end, the Woman was Acquitted , but Foster was found guilty of Felony and Burglary.
Old Bailey Proceedings Online (, version 6.0, 09 October 2011), July 1690, trial of Robert Foster Mary Tanner (t16900717-14).