British Executions

Alfred John Heal

Age: 21

Sex: male

Crime: murder

Date Of Execution: 27 Apr 1905

Crime Location: 83 Westmacott Street, Camberwell

Execution Place: Wandsworth

Method: hanging

Executioner: John Billington


Alfred John Heal was convicted of the murder of his girlfriend Ellen Maria Goodspeed 24 and sentenced to death.

He cut her throat at 83 Westmacott Street, Camberwell on 27 April 1905.

They had been sweethearts and had been courting for more than twelve months. However, Alfred Heal saw her in the company of a former lover and became jealous.

On the night of 27 April 1905 he called at her house where she lived with her parents and whilst they were left alone downstairs in a room after her parents had gone to bed, he cut her throat.

Her parents were woken up by her cries for help and Ellen Goodspeed rushed into their room where she collapsed on the floor.

When the police arrived Alfred Heal said 'I meant to do her in, and myself, too. I bought the knife for the purpose'.

Ellen Goodspeed was taken to hospital but died on 7 May 1905 from her injuries.

Westmacott Street has since been demolished but was roughly between Notley Street and Draycott Close off Brisbane Street. Notley Street existed in 1905 but Draycott Close is new.

see National Archives - CRIM 1/98/1, HO 144/790/129675

see Homicide 1905