Age: unknown
Sex: female
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 7 Dec 1821
Execution Place: unknown
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
An Account of the last Dying Words and Execution of
MRS. SHUTTLEWORTH, for the Murder of her
Husband, on Friday the 7th of December inst. 1821,
at Montross, near Edinburgh.
THIS day was fixed for the execution of the unfortunate Margaret Tindale, convict-
ed of the murder of her Husband, Henry Shuttleworth. The appalling apparatus
of death was erected yesterday in front of the gaol—a spectacle never before witnessed in
this place. About the beginning of last week a petition was transmitted to his Majesty,
signed by a number of respectable Gentlemen of the town, praying for a commutation of
punishment, that the feelings of the inhabitants might be spared the horrible exhibition of
a public execution—and that too of a female. An answer was last night received from the
Secretary of State, stating that the case of the prisoner had already received the most mi-
nute investigation of the Privy Council, and that the Petition contained no grounds upon
which his Majesty's advisers could feel themselves warranted to recommend the interposi-
tion of Royal clemency.
Provost Gibson, accompanied by the Rev Dr. Paterson, communicated the result of
the Petition to the unfortunate woman. She heard the tidings which extinguished the last
ray of hope with great composure, and stated that it was nothing but what she expected.
On being visited by her sister the night before her execution, she spoke without any agi-
tation concerning her unhappy situation and the dissection of her body, and reproved her
sister for giving vent to the excess of her feelings. Dr. Patterson remained with her till
about one o'clock of the rooming, assisting her in acts of devotion. After he left her she
retired to bed, slept about two hoars, and was up and dressed by six o'clock.
In the forenoon she was visited by the Rev. Mr. Dodgson, of the English chapel, who
administered the sacrament to her. The constables were summoned to attend in the Town
Hall, at twelve o'clock, from which they proceeded about one o'clock, to the front of the
prison. About a quarter past two the criminal was brought out, attended by the Rev,
Mr, Molleson, Dr. Patterson, and Dr. Dodgson. A part of the 51st Psalm was sung, be-
ginning at the seventh verse, in which a part at the audience joined.
The Rev. Dr. Paterson then delivered a most fervent and impressive prayer, during
which the unfortunate woman kneeled down, and joined with the greatest fervour. At
this time the scene was awful and appalling deyond description. The crimiaal was neatly
dressed in black:, with a White apron, and altogether appeared in a clean and handsome
manner. She now came forward with a firm pace ; and after the executioner had adjust-
ed the rope, she addressed the audience in a strong and audible voice—protesting her in-
nocence of the crime for which she was to suffer, and cautioned the spectators against the
vice of drunkenness, and tha sin of Sabbath-breaking. Her last words were-—"I die in-
nocent—I loved my husband—I love my life—Jesus Christ have mercy on my soul."
About ten minutes before three the drop fell, and she closed her eyes on sublunary ob-
jects without any visible struggle.—After hanging about fifty minutes, the body was tak.
en down, and put into a box, to be sent to Edingburgh for dissection, pursuant to her
sentence. (MONTROSS REVIEW, December 7, 1821