Age: unknown
Sex: female
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 10 Sep 1716
Execution Place: York
Method: burnt
Executioner: unknown
Anne Fogget, Burnt for the Murder of her Husband Abraham Fogget.
Who was Executed at York September IO. 1716,
ANne Fogget, Burnt for the Murder of her Husband Abraham Fogget, which she effected in the following Manner: Her Husband coming Home some- what in Drink, as he was going to Bed, with an Axe she had prepared on purpose, file first clove his Scull, and after repeating her Blows, mangled his Body in a very strange Manner ; then wiping up the Blood, dragg'd the Carcass to the Well, and threw it in : But the Next Morning her Husbands Brother, and a Nightbour or two, coming to enquire for him, by the Answers she gave, and the Consusion she seemed in, as well as by the former Quarrels and Jars betwixt them, they began to suspect: she had done him seme Mischief, and seeing likewife some Blood she had wiped up, it more confirmed their Suspicion : Whereupon, they bound her to. a Tree, and sought about, and faking a Well-seeker, threw it in the Well, where they fonnd him, and drew him up. Upon her Confession, she was then committed to York Castle,and whilst she was there, to vindicate the People call'd Quakers, she published this Confession.
INasmuch as I Anne Fogget have gone to the Meetings of the People called Quakers, and have therefore been accounted one of that People, yet have been Blame-worthy in my not walking according to the Teachings of the Grace of GOD, and Advice of the aforesaid People, which occasion'd a Dislike in the Meeting I frequented, touching my marrying with Abraham Foggets so that I know not of any one in all that Meeting, that was satisfied with it. Therefore I fully believe, if I had minded, and taken heed to the Grace of GOD, and Advice of those Peo- ple, who advis'd against it, I had been preserv'd from this abominable Wickedness of barbaroufly murdering my Husband; which I was led to by giving Way to the Temp- tations of the Enemy of my Soul, to the great Dishonour of GOD, and Reproach of all Christians: For which I do justly ly in Bonds, confessing that I deserve to suffer what the Law provides in that Case: So lies my Soul at the Mercy of GOD, and farther desire, that what I have done may not be cast, or lie as a Re* proach, upon the said People call'd Quakers; and that this my wicked Action may be a Warning to all others who may ly under the said Temptation.
At the Assizes held March 1715. she was Try'd and Conviced before Judge Dor- mer, and accordingly received Sentance of Dath. Upon which, she pleaded her be ing with Child, which, indeed, she was by her unfortunate Husband, and accordingly was brought to Bed in the Castle.' But the last Assizes, August the 6th, she was cal- led to her former Sentance, her Child taken from her, and she ordered to prepare for Death.