Age: 29
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 26 Jul 1892
Execution Place: Devizes
Method: unknown
Executioner: unknown
July 26th: John GURD (29)
Gurd was engaged to Miss Florence Adams and was looking forward to getting married. They had sorted out most of the arrangements and had the banns read out in the local church. On 19 April, Florence told him she wanted to call the wedding off but could give him no satisfactory explanation. Gurd suspected that her uncle Henry Richards was behind the break up and decided to confront him. During the ensuing argument he shot Richards then fled. The local police started a manhunt for the missing gunman, and on 2 June he was accosted by two officers, Superintendent Perret and Sergeant Moulden. In a desperate attempt to avoid capture, he fired two shots at the pursuing officers, hitting Sergeant Moulden, who later died from his injuries in hospital. Gurd was finally arrested, and after his trial at Wiltshire Assizes, he was sentenced to death. He was hanged by Billington. At the inquest held after the execution, it was claimed that the drop had failed to break his neck which had very strong muscles.