Age: 34
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 15 Jun 1886
Execution Place:
Method: unknown
Executioner: unknown
June 15th: Edward HEWITT (34)
Times were hard for Edward Hewitt and his wife Sarah (43), as he, like thousands of other men, was unable to find regular work. He visited neighbouring towns to find work, and after securing a week's employment in Sharpness, he returned to Gloucester with his wages. He handed the money to his wife to buy food, keeping a little for himself to enjoy some ale. Returning from a public house drunk, he demanded more money from his wife; when she refused, he kicked her to death in a rage. Sentenced to death after a short trial and hanged by Berry. At the inquest after the execution, it was revealed that when the doctor had made his way down into the pit immediately after the drop to examine the body, he found the heart still beating and when he lifted the white hood, he noted that the man's features exhibited traces of extreme agony: the eyes stared from their sockets, and his tongue which he had bitten through, protruded from his mouth.