Age: 31
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 5 Oct 1885
Execution Place: Newgate
Method: unknown
Executioner: James Berry
Henry Norman was a thirty one year old painter who was convicted of the murder of his adulterous wife. Norman was jealous of the landlord where he and his wife lived and after discovering she had been unfaithful he stabbed her to death. He had told his mother that he had forgiven her for a number of previous indiscretions but after discovering she had been with the landlord he stabbed her through the heart as she slept. Norman claimed he had no recollection of committing the crime, but after listening to the evidence against him, the jury didn't even need to retire before finding him guilty. He was sentenced to death by Mr Justice Hawkins at the Old Bailey on 17 September, and hanged by James Berry on the 5th October 1885 at Newgate.