Age: 22
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 3 Dec 1883
Execution Place: Liverpool
Method: unknown
Executioner: unknown
Henry Dutton was an iron moulder. He lived in a house on Atholl Street. Liverpool. with his wife. whom he had only recently married. and her grandmother Hannah Henshaw who was seventy one. He was very jealous of his wife. and while out on the evening of 6th October they had a row which resulted in Mrs Dutton going to stay with a friend. Dutton was heard to say he would do for her or her grandmother. and later that night cries were heard coming from his house. A neighbour gained entry and found Mrs Henshaw dying from a throat wound, and also suffering from several other horrific head wounds. Dutton was arrested at a friend's house but denied the crime. He was sentenced to death by Mr Justice Denman at Liverpool Assizes on 17th November and hanged by Bartholomew Binns. It was the first of Binns' botched executions; the Governor was informed that the hangman was drunk and didn't know how to carry out an execution properly. The sentence was carried out on the 3rd December 1883 in Liverpool. Dutton was just twenty two when he died