Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 4 Dec 1882
Execution Place: Liverpool
Method: unknown
Executioner: unknown
December 4th: Bernard MULLARKEY (19)
Convicted of the murder of a Tom Cruise at Maghull, Liverpool, in September. Mullarkey, Cruise, and another man, Tom Jordan, were three labourers employed on a farm owned by a John Sumner, where they were allowed to sleep in a hay loft. During the summer, Mullarkey was heard to make repeated threats to Cruise, and one witness reported hearing him say that he would 'Burn the place down and hang for Cruise.' On Monday 25 September, a serious fire destroyed the hay loft and when it had burnt itself out, police found Cruise's body among the remains. They ascertained that the victim had been killed by a blow to the head before the fire started. Mullarkey was immediately under suspicion, and was later charged with murder. Hanged by Marwood.