Age: 35
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 22 Nov 1880
Execution Place: Bristol
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Murder of paramour; Bristol
On 27th August, Eliza Daniels. a widow who lived with Diston as his wife, stormed into the local public house and dragged him home for his dinner. They were joined by a friend of Diston's and sat down for supper apparently on good terms. Soon after the friend left, Mrs Daniels, bleeding from a wound to the shoulder, staggered into their landlady's room, where she collapsed and died. Diston was recommended to mercy at the trial on the grounds that the crime wasn't premeditated but it was ignored and he was hanged by William Marwood. Thirty five year old Diston was executed on the 27th November 1880 in Bristol.