Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 25 Feb 1879
Execution Place:
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Charles Peace murdered Nicholas Cock a policeman in Manchester and Albert Dyson in Banner Cross Terrace, Sheffield.
Whilst at Banner Cross Terrace, Sheffield he had an affair with Albert Dyson's wife but after a while she ended the relationship.
After the relationship ended Charles Peace shot Nicholas Cock in Manchester.
Before Charles Peace was arrested William Habron was convicted of the murder of Nicholas Cock and sentenced to death but respited because of his young age.
After the murder of Nicholas Cock, Charles Peace returned to Banner Cross Terrace, Sheffield to see Albert Dyson's wife but he caught him and so Charles Peace him Albert Dyson.
He fled to London and changed his name to John Ward but later whilst robbing a house in Blackheath he shot another policeman and was arrested and convicted of attampted murder. However, after starting his life sentence he was identified as the man who had murdered Albert Dyson and was then convicted of Albert Dyson's murder.
Before he was executed he confessed to the murder of Nicholas Cock resulting in the pardon of William Habron who was given £500 by parliament.