Age: 45
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 4 Aug 1873
Execution Place: Aylesbury
Method: hanging
Executioner: George Smith
Forty five year old Henry Evans was sentenced to death at Aylesbury Assizes in July for the murder of his wife, Annie Seabrook-Evans. Evans lived with his wife at Oving, where she supported him with her earnings as a dressmaker. He was a drunkard and as a result they frequently quarrelled. On Saturday 22 March 1873, Evans went to his father's house which was directly opposite his own, and said his wife had locked up and left, taking the key with her. He repeated this tale to many people, and spent the weekend in his parents' spare room. On Monday morning, he left town in a pony and trap. Neighbours became suspicious at reports of Mrs Evans' sudden and unexpected disappearance, and decided to investigate. The door to the house was forced and Annie Seabrook-Evans was discovered battered to death. Evans was located, found to be in possession of her key, and was seen to be wearing trousers with faint blood stains. He was convicted after a short trial and hanged by George Smith.
04/08/1873 Henry Evans 45 Buckinghamshire Aylesbury Wife