British Executions

Augustus Eliiot

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: murder

Date Of Execution: 9 Dec 1872

Crime Location:

Execution Place: Old Bailey

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


Augustus Eliiot was hanged on the 9th December 1872 by William Calcraft at Newgate for the murder of twenty two year old Ellen Moore.  On l4 September, Ellen Moore a 22 year old prostitute, was visited at her room in Hoxton by Augustus Elliot.  He had been an old boyfriend of hers and she had known him for about four years. They got on well and enjoyed each others company and were seen together in various pubs and cafes. On the afternoon of 16 September, the landlady at Ellen's lodgings heard a series of shots and rushed upstairs to find the couple lying wounded on the bed. Before she died Ellen managed to whisper  'Gus done it'.  Thirty one year old Elliot was nursed back to health and then charged with murder. He was tried at the Old Bailey and did not deny murder but claimed that he had shot her because she refused to emigrate with him to America. On 20 November he was found guilty and sentenced to death.