Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 13 Dec 1869
Execution Place:
Method: unknown
Executioner: unknown
Thirty two year old Hinson, a carpenter, shared a house with a Maria Death at Wood Green. They lived together as man and wife despite the fact that he already had a wife in his native Scotland. During the autumn of 1869, he began to suspect that Maria was having an affair with a man called William Boyd. On 4th October he waited for them outside Wood Green station and as they walked out he savagely attacked Boyd, whose life was saved when a passer-by dragged off the crazed man. Boyd fled from the scene as Hinson dragged Maria home, where he pulled out a gun and shot her in the chest before beating her about the head with the butt. Satisfied that she was dead, he reloaded and went off' in search for Boyd. Hinson found him in a stable where he coldly shot him dead, before making a weak attempt to cut his own throat. Hinson was immediately arrested by a passing policeman and charged with the double murder. He was sentenced to death at the Central Criminal Court on 26th November and later hanged by William Calcraft The sentence was carried out in Newgate on the 13th December 1869.